The Taking Care Project
How can ethnographic and world cultures museums use their collections and galleries as spaces which create active discussion around the impact of humans on the planet, while also highlighting what long-term perspectives can tell us about sustainability for developing positive futures?
Taking Care explores the connections between ethnographic collections and questions regarding the climate crisis and the Anthropocene, addressing issues related to the afterlives of colonialism.

Kapa made by Marenka Thompson-Odlum. Photo by Lea Novi/Pascal Giese
Caring for Here and There Workshop
Pitt Rivers Museum, 26 - 28 June 2023
The objective of this workshop is to overcome the Eurocentric approach to conservation by developing innovative strategies that bring cultural care and preservation together. By sharing practice around analytical techniques, ethics and understanding the needs of objects from an indigenous perspective, the aim is to progress preservation infrastructure within participating museums as well as communities locally and internationally.
Anne May Olli, Director of the RiddoDuottarMuseat Norway
Page Chang, Kapa Artist and Kumu, Pūko’a Studios, Hawai'i
Misa Tamura, Conservation Manager, Horniman Museum and Gardens, London, UK
Fiona Brock, Reader in Analytical & Archaeological Science, Cranfield Forensic Institute, UK
Claudia Augustat, Head of the Taking Care Project and Curator for South American collections at Weltmuseum, Wien, Austria
Faye Belsey, Deputy Head of Collections and Joanna Cole, Assistant Curator of Object Collections and Provenance, Pitt Rivers Museum, UK
Rosa Dyer, Art and Humanities Research Council (AHRC) Collaborative Doctoral Project student, Pitt Rivers Museum and Birkbeck, University of London, UK
Previous events hosted by the museum for Taking Care

This conference, part of the European research project titled Taking Care, places ethnographic and world cultures museums at the centre of the search for strategies to address issues regarding the future of the planet.
Taking Care Introduction and In Conversation with Wayne Modest
Thursday 8 April 2021
Speakers: Laura Van Broekhoven, Director of the Pitt Rivers Museum; Claudia August, Curator at Weltmuseum Wien and Taking Care Project Leader; Wayne Modest, Professor and Director of the Research Center for Material Culture, National Museum of World Cultures, Netherlands.
Watch the recording of the session here.
Discussion on Indigenous Knowledge and Community Environmental Justice
Thursday 15 April 2021
Reflections from Environmental Anthropology
Speaker: Pauline von Hellermann, Senior Lecturer in International Development, University of East Anglia, UK
Becoming (in)visible in environmental justice struggles: using participatory mapping, filming and writing to support the indigenous research agenda
Speaker: Dr. Iokiñe Rodríguez Fernandez
Discussant: Ashley Coutu, Pitt Rivers Museum
Watch the recording of the session here.
Climate Change Activism through Film
Thursday 29 April 2021
Ki Nche Ndutsa (Time and the Seashell)
Speaker: Itandehui Jansen, Filmmaker and Programme Director, Film & TV, School of Design, University of Edinburgh, Scotland
Eyes on and from the Changing Arctic
Speaker: Camilla Andersen, Documentary Photographer and Filmmaker, Oslo, Norway
Discussants: Lotten Gustafsson Reinius, Professor of Ethnology, Stockholm University and Nordic Museum; Thandiwe Wilson, Taking Care Project Assistant, Pitt Rivers Museum
Watch the recording of the session here.
Matters of Care: In Conversation with Cissy Serrao
Thursday 6 May 2021
The Art of Hawaiian Quilting
Speaker: Cissy Serrao, Founder of Poakalani & Company, a quilting guild and school in Honolulu, Hawai'i.
Discussants: Jeremy Uden, Head of Conservation at the Pitt Rivers Museum; Misa Tamura, Senior Conservator on the Talking Threads textile research project at the Pitt Rivers Museum.
Watch the recording of the session here.
In Conversation with Subhadra Das
Wednesday 12 May 2021
Taking Care of Business: What is a Museum for?
Speaker: Subhadra Das, Curator, UCL Science Collections, London, UK
Discussant: Marenka Thompson-Odlum, Pitt Rivers Museum
Watch the recording of the session here.
In Conversation with Naman Ahuja and Concluding Thoughts
Thursday 20 May 2021
From India IN the World to India AND the World
Speaker: Professor Naman Ahuja, Curator, art historian and Professor for Indian Art and Architecture at the Jawaharlal Nehru University in New Delhi, India.
Discussant: Professor Clare Harris, Curator for Asia Collections at the Pitt Rivers Museum and Professor of Visual Anthropology at the Institute of Social and Cultural Anthropology, University of Oxford.
Watch the recording of the session here.