Khwa ttu San Culture and Education Centre, South Africa
Associate Researcher
After undergraduate and postgraduate training in archaeology and the history of medicine, in 2004 Chris Low completed a DPhil at Oxford on healing among Khoekhoe and San peoples of southern Africa. Prior to this Dr Low worked as a qualified osteopath and acupuncturist. Over recent years Chris has focused on healing and human environmental relationships, on Khoe-San folklore, and trans-generational trauma among the San. Chris has recently worked as a Research Fellow on an AHRC funded 'Future Pasts' project concerning 'sustainabilities and cultural landscapes' in Namibia.
In 2014 Dr Low was appointed Curator of !Khwa ttu San Heritage Centre. !Khwa ttu lies 70kms north of Cape Town, South Africa. Dr Low led the setting up of the centre which involved developing exhibition galleries alongside educational and visitor resources. He was appointed Museum Director with the opening of the Centre in 2018. The Centre is a considerable endeavour based on extensive San community consultation and co-curation. Its exhibitions range from First People origins, folklore, art and archaeology, to colonial encounters and current life. Furthermore, !Khwa ttu’s centre piece is a specially designed building that seeks to immerse visitors in traditional San life. Dr Low's work at !Khwa ttu involves joint projects with institutions around the world, including the Pitt Rivers Museum and the Peabody Museum, Harvard University.