Wednesday 6 December, 18.30
Talk in Pitt Rivers Lecture Theatre. Entry via Robinson Close, off South Parks Road.
Online and in-person talk
In-person (Includes mulled wine & refreshments) : Members £3, Non-members £6
Online: Members free, Non-members £3
Book your tickets here
A collaboration between Port Harcourt-born British-Nigerian artist Zina Saro-Wiwa and Oxford anthropologist David Pratten, UNMASKED: Spirit in the City tells the stories behind a modern urban masquerade called Agaba. The storytelling employed in this exhibition weaves art and anthropology, creating an expansive visual language that exposes the vitality and vulnerability of life in modern day oil-producing Port Harcourt in the Niger Delta - life which has been impacted deeply, and often traumatically by the international oil and gas industry. Unmasked takes us through the glass vitrine to expose the beating heart of the humanity that created the mask and shows the secrets of masquerade are not essential and esoteric but elusive and everyday.
In this members talk, David Pratten, Associate Professor in the Social Anthropology of Africa, University of Oxford, talks about working with artist Zina Saro-Wiwa to co-produce this dramatically different exhibition and installation.
Everyone welcome. Doors open at 18.00 and refreshments will be served. Talk starts at 18.30.