Tuesday 19 October, 17.30 - 19.00
As part of the Living Cultures project, this event will bring together Maasai leaders, Pitt Rivers Museum staff and NGO InsightShare, to screen films made by a community based participatory video group Oltoilo le Maa in Kenya (OLM Kenya) and Tanzania (OLM Tanzania) about sacred artefacts at the Pitt Rivers Museum. Amos Leuka, Scholastica Kukutia and Samwel Nangiria are InsightShare Associates, delivering participatory video training to Indigenous youth across the continent. The Living Cultures Indigenous Fellowship, a seven-month leadership programme by InsightShare, trained 38 Indigenous youth in Kenya, Namibia, South Africa and Tanzania in 2021. They created community-authored videos on issues that matter to them and set up a growing network of autonomous media hubs to allow pan-African dialogue and exchange. We will be talking about the importance of labelling and self-representation, especially where narratives have previously not been present with the Museum. Tune in to learn more about the role of Orkidong, Orkataar and Isuturia and the transfer knowledge which sustains Maasai culture.
As we cannot fly our guests in for a live event and we want to ensure that as many people in as many places as possible can join the conversation, this event will be held via Zoom. Please register for this event here.
Find out more about the Maasai Living Cultures project: https://www.prm.ox.ac.uk/maasai-living-cultures and https://insightshare.org/decolonising-museums-cultural-spaces/.
This webinar is part of the Pitt RIvers Museum Radical Hope series. All talks will be recorded and are available to view after the event on the Radical Hope page.
Read Oxford University's Statement on Freedom of Speech at Events here.
Generously supported by the Staples Trust.