National Curriculum Subject Areas: History, Geography, Art
Length of session: 75 minutes
Maximum group size: 32
Learning Outcomes
• Use objects to build a picture of civilisation in Ancient Benin
• Understand how status was conveyed by the King and Court of Benin
• Investigate power and status objects from different African countries exploring ideas of chieftainship, ancestors, beliefs, crafts and music
Session Outline
In this guided tour pupils look at objects to build a picture of civilisation in Ancient Benin, and investigate power and status objects from different African countries.
Activity 1 Introduction Pupils consider the size and diversity of Africa and the ways in which power and status can be communicated.
Activity 2 Guided tour Pupils are taken on an interactive guided tour of objects from different African countries round the Museum, including some object handling. Please organise groups to have a ratio of one Education Guide to every ten pupils.
Activity 3 Museum activity In pairs or small groups pupils search the Museum for objects from different African countries which convey power and status.
“If I was allowed to go to any museum, I would choose Pitt Rivers” (Year 6 pupil)